Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Fervent Genealogist

I LOVE GENEALOGY. Fervent is defined as "intensely passionate; ardent" and that describes how I feel about it. I am a Fervent Genealogist.

When I was little, my family made regular visits to the cemetery to place flowers on the graves of close relatives. I drove my parents crazy, asking about how each person was related to us and pushing for more details than they were able to provide. I felt a burning need to know everything about these ancestors whose tombstones I was wandering between. I had heard the echoes of their footsteps, and I had to follow them.

I still can't drive past a graveyard without having wistful thoughts of wandering among the tombstones with my digital camera clicking away. Maybe I would find a hidden treasure, a long-forgotten relative finally discovered, or maybe I could help someone else in their search. But mostly I find it peaceful: a quiet spot in the midst of today's busy schedules, a chance to slow down and take some deep relaxing breaths in a silent, tranquil place.

My field trips are few and far between nowadays, lost in the shuffle between work and children, but I still hear the echoes and try to research when possible. Today I like to keep everything at my fingertips on an external hard-drive, and on-line research provides a convenient (if arguably poor) substitute for dimly lit courthouses and distant cemeteries.

I try to keep in touch with distant relatives that I've discovered, and continue to track down new ones. The internet has made so much more possible, and it has allowed me to become a part of larger discussions. Now if I can just find the time.

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